New Delhi: Bajaj Auto on Tuesday reported 70 per cent decline in total sales at 1,27,128 units in May as against 4,19,235 units in the same month last year. Total domestic sales declined by 83 per cent to 40,074 units last month as compared to 2,35,824 units in May 2019, Bajaj Auto said. The company further said its total two-wheeler sales were down 69 per cent at 1,12,798 units as compared to 3,65,068 units in the year-ago month. Domestic two-wheeler sales were at 39,286 units last month as against 2,05,721 units in May 2019, a decline of 81 per cent, it added. Overall commercial vehicles sales also declined by 74 per cent at 14,330 units last month as compared to 54,167 units in the year-ago period, with domestic sales dropping by 97 per cent to 788 units as against 30,103 units in May 2019. Bajaj Auto said its total exports last month declined by 53 per cent to 87,054 units as compared to 1,83,411 units in same period of last year.
from Economic Times