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New Delhi: Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea, in a rare show of unanimity, have rejected the regulator’s proposals to introduce a tariff calculator tool to convey the unit cost of data/voice for consumers and publish their tariff offerings on additional avenues such as social media.“We are currently communicating tariffs through websites, apps, customer care centres and sales outlets. If we go to other platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp, it might lead to other regulatory constraints,” Sandeep Kathuria, EVP for policy and regulation at Vodafone Idea, said at a virtual open house discussion organised by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India on Wednesday on the subject ‘Transparency in Publishing of Tariff Offers.’Rajan Mathews, director general of the Cellular Operators Association of India, said customers have access to the Trai website that provides a calculator to compare tariff offerings.“Trai also has adequate monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure its regulations are followed by operators,” he said.Rahul Vatts, chief regulatory officer at Airtel, said it won’t be possible for a telco to assign values to individual components such as voice/SMS/data since the tariff offerings in the market range from a-la-carte rates to limited/unlimited bundled offerings. Telecom veteran and former VSNL chairman Brijendra Kumar Syngal, though, said transparency in tariffs is inadequate and consumers find it difficult to compare the price per minute for voice or price per GB for data.
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/2Y8KSWq
from Economic Times https://ift.tt/2Y8KSWq